Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Contest Countdown

In just a few short days- on Saturday to be exact- we will be embarking on a wedding contest adventure.  Trying to have a wedding on a budget, as everyone knows, takes a few tricks and some serious determination, but it can be done.  J learned of a contest by a local hotel, where you write out your story, friends and loved ones vote for their favorite, and the winner wins a $25,000 wedding.  Needless to say, I could never afford this wedding otherwise.

Our love story is called "Rescue Me", and so far is up against 23 other stories.

Rescue Me...
"Jon is a firefighter and EMT in the county where we both live. Originally from the Northern Virginia area, he followed his childhood dreams here, where he became a firefighter. Growing up an Air Force brat, my family moved all over the East Coast, but finally we settled here, and truly call this home. Jon and I met in early 2011 when I began volunteering as an Emergency Medical Technician at the rescue company where Jon worked. From the moment I met him, I knew Jon was a wonderful man, and even though we started as friends, I admired him for the work he did and the fun-loving demeanor he approached each day with. Patience was certainly an attribute Jon exemplified as he helped me learn the ropes and treat patients. Quickly, his friendship became very important to me, and we both realized what we had is one in a million. Sharing home-cooked meals, movie nights and ambulance calls at the firehouse all became part of the excitement of our relationship. Beginning nursing school, Jon shared in my frustrations, and continues to cheer me on through many study sessions and wearisome days. Like turned to love, and after I met his entire family at Thanksgiving, I knew he was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Amazingly, it turns out Jon wanted to spend his life with me too! My father passed away from cancer in 2004, but Jon asked my mother’s blessing on December 9th, 2011. Emphatically she told him, “I can’t keep a secret!” so Jon proposed to me that night. Learning of a deployment order set for an unknown date between November of 2012 and February of 2013 for Jon’s Army Reserve unit presented us with a challenge, and we realized we would have to move our date up much sooner than originally planned. With finances tight at this time in our lives, we are struggling to make plans that we can afford, and share a joyous day of celebration before Jon leaves the country for up to twelve months. Winning this contest would enable us to share our day with our loved ones, many of whom live in the Tysons Corner area- making it an ideal central location for all of our family and friends to gather- and celebrate in a wonderful and exciting way that we wouldn’t be able to otherwise."

From the votes, the top 10 are chosen, and present their story to a panel of judges on the 4th.  I can't lie... I'm nervous!  J may be a little fed up with wedding talk, and I really don't blame him.  Here is to hoping that we can make it through and win!

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